Get user info

API endpoint to obtain information about the user and the emails sent. Also, this information can be found on the user page in the admin panel.

Response structure

Response paramsDescription
idClient identifier;
project_idProject identifier;
project_titleProject name;
emailUser email;
last_onlineDate of the user's last visit;
last_reactionDate of last user activity;
last_mailedDate of the last email sent to the user;
last_requestDate of the last request to the user;
activationActivation date in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS;
meta (object){
profile: {
Data sent by the client:
age – age,
ak – key for user authorization / autologin on the product,
photo – link to the user's photo;
clicksNumber of user clicks;
sendsNumber of sendings;
created_atDate of user creation;
sent_mails (array of objects)Information about sent emails for the last 3 months;
idEmail identifier;
category_idEmail category: system – 1; trigger – 2;
type_idTransactional type ID;
subject_idEmail subject identifier;
template_idTemplate identifier;
split_groupSplit test group;
source_idEmail source identifier;
server_idServer identifier;
created_atEmail creation date;
mail_group_idMail server group identifier;
pre_header_idEmail header identifier;
category_sigEmail category: system or trigger;
server_nameName of the sending server;
server_ipIP of the sending server;
source_nameName of sending logic;
type_sigName of the transactional email / campaign;
unsubscribe (object)Unsubscribe state;
source_idUnsubscribe identifier;
meta: {
message: "api by client"
Unsubscribe reason;
created_atUnsubscribe date;
updated_atDate of unsubscribe update;
source_sigUnsubscribe author;
unsubscribe_types (array)Information about transactional emails unsubscribed by the user;
type_idTransactional email identifier;
created_atUnsubscribe date;
type_sigTransactional email name;
unsub_promo (object)Campaign unsubscribe;
source_idUnsubscribe identifier;
created_atUnsubscribe date;
source_sigUnsubscribe reason;
last_paymentDate of the user's last payment;
channel_idTraffic channel;
subchannel_idTraffic subchannel.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!